Modular Spatial Experience

Karan Shah
15 min readFeb 4, 2021


3rd Feb| Exploration

The first project for this semester seems to be really interesting. I am very excited for this. We have been asked to create spaces for human experiences through the use of modules. I found it really fascinating how many different small modules could create complex structures. To kick this project of, I chose to work with simple 2D geometric shapes to understand the parameters of my project.

I spent a little time sketching and ideating. Just creating random sketches of modules. I began with simple shapes.


I made this module on the basis of a shape of a simple parallelogram and added slits to it.

The module and process

Converting 2D into 3D

This is the first figure I made.


And this is the second figure I made with this module

Figure 2

With this first module, I dived into two obvious domains: stability vs dynamism. The first figure explores a more free flowing structure that gives off the idea of energy and movement. I loved the fact that such a simple shape could jointly create a complex structure. The second figure is more of a pattern. This was interesting as well because it felt much more accessible and stable. It was much easier to understand. I am not saying that this is a better thing, but I noticed it. To be honest, I enjoy the first figure much more than the second one.

Module 2


The second module I made was of a semi-circle. Once again I chose to use slits. I think they are the best way to attach stuff without glue or any other adhesives. And it also helps adding character to the piece with its ability to have overlaps and also give into shadows.

It seems obvious but the curved surface, gives into a rather smoother structure, which I seemed to like. For some reason it looks a little naturalistic.

There is one constraint that I do find to be present. I feel like there are a limited amounts of structures that can be made with circular formats.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Module 3

Module 3

The third module I made was from the shape of a square

This module comes off as a no brainer to me. Cubes and square planes that I’ve found to be really cool after Matt and Mark drilled us with them last semester.

I do know that this module is extremely simple and may only garner very simple structures but it is definitely something that I want to try before discarding.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2

There was this time when I chose to make more dynamic modules with a mixture of curves and lines. It was a roadblock. It could be because of the fact that I did not create a proper combination of the both. However, I did realise that when simpler shapes are put together, they can create free forms that portray dynamism and flow of energy.

Reflection and Feedback

Starting out slowly with simple shapes rather than complex one definitely help me get myself into the groove and understand what the assignment is truly about. The use of semi-circles was a nice blend in between curves and straight-edges: there was a nice balance between dynamism and cohesiveness. The use of a square was something that I shouldn’t have done because it is just too simple. While simple is not bad, the innovativeness of the project is lost.

Something that I keep forgetting is that the goal of this project is to create a space and not an object. This would the primary rule that I would have to keep in mind.

Somethings to consider in the future

  1. The task it to design a space and not an object
  2. Negative space is an integral part of creating spaces
  3. Scoring and creating modules that can be scored would be a good idea.
  4. While complexity is not required, very simple spaces are not enough to interact with.


The task

  • Develop up to 3 modules for one structure that are 2in x 2in and make a minimum of 20 individual modules.
  • Choose a verb, such as sit, climb, crawl, or jump, to derive the form of 1 occupiable space/structure with this larger module(s). Add a scale model of a person into the space (experiment with how large your person is).
  • Draw the form with multiple people interacting with it using your verb.


Before diving into the task, I thought it best to first work on my modules. I was not satisfied with what I had. What startled me and made it confusing for me to move forward was the enormity of possibilities with this modular structures.

So I decided to take a step back and understand spaces. A space was what we have to create finally. Even though the task does state that choosing a verb a the second part of it, I am going to go ahead do that first. A successful spatial experience can only be derived if there is a context of human interaction when designing it.

Since it was over the weekend, the first verb that came to my mind was RELAXING. It made sense, considering I am a student at CMU. We DESPERATELY need to relax. And I started doing my research on the basis of this verb.

Images I found on the internet.

Personally, when I think about relaxing I always think about outdoor spaces which are calm and serene. I always think about sitting in the park or listening to music. I have placed the image of the notes I took of my thinking process and the research that I did.

Photo from sketch book


I created the first module on the basis of the idea of the shape of the chair. I thought that it would be an integral part of the space that I was creating. Furthermore, apart from serving as a chair, it would do a good job to give structure to the over al form as well. For my second module, I was thinking about light. I thought that the triangular shape would complement the shape of the first module and with the cut out in the middle, the lighting patterns that it would create would be great.

The cut outs of the first module.
The cut outs of the second module.


Failed attempts

Throughout the weekend, I did not know where to start. And after I did, I hoped that things would work out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t come up with anything. I kept trying but it did not work at all. There was nothing that I could make that I was satisfied. I literally created 15 structures but at the end I was really frustrated with myself and there was nothing satisfying that I could come up with. And I decided to talk to my peers and my professors about it before moving forward.


The first response I got was the fact that I was selling myself short. This was not a failed attempt and in fact it is all about the process. Some other more direct remarks were that I could’ve made the cuts more deeper which would have added rigidity and strength to the structure as a whole.

The TA’s told me that I have become very function oriented and it would be a good idea to not do that and focus on abstraction. I should try and surprise myself and continue exploring. One major recommendation was that I first try and use just a single module instead of multiple ones. And one other flaw was the fact that the two modules did not compliment each other. It would be much better to either design a new module or work with just one single type. Some thing that was really interesting that Q mentioned was the idea of make a larger MODULE of the smaller ones. That could make things easier and definitely more organised. I think I am definitely going to have a go at that.


My first plan of action was to just use a single module like the TA’s mentioned. I think that was the way to go. So I decided to use the curved module that I made.

The larger module from different angles.

This is the larger module I created. I definitely feel that by just using the single module, the structure feels much more cohesive. I feel that there is direction to what I am doing now.

However, as I moved forward, I chose to refine the module. I chose to remove the two flaps that were joined to the upper most module.

Presented below are the photos of the final piece that I made for this day.

Final piece for today

As you can see I chose to use another module at the end. I used the same module that I used before, the triangular one. I chose this module to connect the three ‘larger modules together.’ To some extent, to me, it looks like a ride. Like a carousel that you see in fairs. However, there is definitely a cohesive structure to it which I like.

Experimenting with people

Images with people there.

Adding small models of people really helped put context to my images. I gained the perspective of a user and how it would all work if this was made in real life (which seems impossible).

Experiment with colour

Painted with three different colours

I experimented with three colours. When I was thinking about what colours to use or not I first thought about what kind or type of colours I should use. Because the main purpose of this space is to relax, the idea of using bright colours was the one that went out of the window first. I wanted to use more mellow colours that were not too striking. Something subtle. I wanted to totally explore white first. I honestly am a lover of white. I did not really like the pink and the yellow was okay. Instead of painting and repainting the whole piece, I chose to paint the three larger modules into different colours just for the sake of experimenting.


The main issue was painting. Painting with acrylic paints reduced the structural integrity of the chip board.

There was a problem with the proper layering of the paint through out the module.


A successful review was that people did think of it as a place to relax. Also the TAs were really happy with my progress especially because I felt really lost in the last meeting.

The most interesting critique that got me going was the idea of placing this space on a beach. Anthony mentioned that these three colours together reminded him of a place he often visits. Which was really cool and satisfying to listen to. My group thought that the three colours together was an interesting composition to think of in terms of setting as a beach. They thought the colours were really joyful. I definitely agree with that. However, playfulness is not something that I was going for.

One thing that was bought to my notice is that the module that was at the very top of the larger module was too dominating. It was somewhat fighting for the viewer attention. They suggested to change the modules at the top. It would be nice to use a more subtle module, something simplistic and something that would would compliment the seating.

In terms of the colour, Margot thought that the colours represented too much activity. Which is not bad, but I definitely am not going for it.

Things to do next:

  1. Experiment with colour. Choose a colour that is mellow and not too bright
  2. Change the upper module and use another shaped module that would help add certain kind of pleasant feeling to it. Probably go back to my favourite semi-circles?
  3. Experiment with lighting.


The task

  • Find 3 adjectives to describe a place (ex. inviting, warm, cozy) (ex. spacious, cold, large)
  • Convey these adjectives in the piece — considering the color and lighting
  • Show the structure to 3 people not in this class — ask them what words they would give (3 adjectives)
  • Analyze if your intentions were reflected in your audience

The three adjectives

Since my structure is based on the space that aids relaxation the three adjectives that I have decided upon is:

  • unwindable
  • calming
  • open


The first thing I did was to visit the art store and find card stock that could work. I bought blotting paper. I realised that blotting paper was much easier to work with and I realised that copic markers would work on this as well.

Working with blotting paper

Cutting this paper was so easy. My fingers felt so good. The chipboard was so much harder. Furthermore the structural integrity is retained even though it is thinner than chip board. That was definitely helpful. Each cut was even cleaner and there was more fluidity in the work that I did. I am really happy that I switched to blotting paper.

In terms of adding the semi-circle as the module, I am actually kind of fascinated with it. There is a lot of abstraction that is added onto the piece which seems really nice. I love the structure that is created. It seems much more interesting to look at. This is because of the curves that are added to it. The complexity that is created adds to the calm for some reason. I feel like it gives the users a reason to gaze into the structures and ponder on it.

Adding colour

Choosing colour was actually easy. The first change was the fact that I used copic markers.

I just loved the ‘subtle, baby’ pink if you will. It was not a colour that always caught the eye. I felt that it would help the user ease into the space. It does not respond to activity but rather promotes the calmness I was talking about.

I experimented with the colours for the semi-circle modules that I added. I wanted to choose colour that complimented the baby pink of the lower modules. I ended up using the soft sun colour on the semi-circle, and I went over it with lines of the proper pink. The semi-circle gave off the effect of a marble which I really liked. It added to the calmness that I wanted to emulate.

Final colour choice

Experimenting with light

Apart from the photos taken above in natural light, I wanted to explore with some ‘funky’ lighting. I used a ring light.


The ring light kind of added to the cohesiveness of the space. It added balance. To be honest I liked it. The balance kind of made the place seem calming but somehow too futuristic. This could not work because I want the space to be outdoors and naturalistic.

I wanted to take photos outside, and I did try to do that but the wind and weather almost destroyed my model. So there’s nothing that I could do with that.

Final Iteration for the day

Reactions from the people I showed the piece to:

Mom: “This is so beautiful (I guess this is just motherly love). I love the pink. It seems really feel-goody but not to provoking you know. I definitely feel that I’d like to relax here.”

Ronit (Engineering major): “This is so cool dude! I could never do something like this. I love the semi-circle thingies on the top. I love the colour man! But I don’t know, I would try a different colour as well just to be sure. But yes I’d want to stretch out and laze around in this!”

Max (Math Major): “Yo this is just so sick man! If I were to give this three adjectives they would be, ummm: Cool hahah, calm, and serene maybe.”

Class critique

My peers were honestly really happy with my colour choice. They loved the marble colour idea for the semi-circles. I was talking to them about wanting to have a certain subtleness with my space. They responded that the colour choice is definitely mellow but the space being called subtle can be hard because of the size. They said that isn’t necessarily a bad thing and I shouldn’t be going for that characteristic.

One thing that they thought I should get rid of was this upper module as well. They thought that removing the upper-most one wasn’t the only thing that needed to be removed but also the other upper module as well. They thought that it was too distracting. So I guess that requires a little bit of tweaking.

Daphne thinks that I pretty close to the completion of my space and the project so I am happy :)

Things to do next

  • Change the upper module. Use the semi-circle as the connecting module for the seats.


I made the required changes. I got the thing working with the semi-circle module. I gave a go at the drawing. It is not the best I know but still it was a good try.



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